Trusted Legal Counsel In Greater Los Angeles

Fighting For Individuals’ Rights Since 1991

Wrongful Termination Rights In An At-Will Employment State

As an employee, you depend on regular paychecks to support yourself. Although California is an at-will employment state, and your boss could let you go at any time, they may not fire you based on certain protected characteristics, such as your race, sex, age, religion or sexual orientation.

Some unfortunate situations can require a business to release a worker from their employ. However, there are specific circumstances in which you could take legal action against your employer for your wrongful termination. The employment law attorneys at Brad Gage Law, APC can protect your best interests if you believe your job loss was illegal.

Were You Fired Illegally?

Workplace discrimination and harassment violate your civil rights. Our lawyers will work with you to determine whether the circumstances of your job loss enable you to seek compensation.

Our firm will fight to protect your future if your workplace acts in opposition to federal employment laws. We will help you get what you deserve in a variety of wrongful termination cases.

Among other situations, you may be eligible for compensation if your:

  • Employer let you go before reaching the end of your employment contract
  • Co-workers did not receive similar performance reviews, despite having comparable performance problems
  • Boss provided a false reason for releasing you from the company
  • Discharge was due to your harassment or discrimination report
  • Employment ended because you did not consent to sexual favors on the job
  • Military orders required you to deploy
  • Physical or mental disability needed accommodation

You deserve to have nearly 30 years of experience on your side when your livelihood is in question.

Protect Your Right To Work

Depending on your situation, we may be able to help you reinstate your employment or recover lost wages.

If you lost your job due to blowing the whistle on illegal activity, harassment or discrimination, we will review your case at no cost to you. Time is of the essence – to put our employment attorneys to work for you, call our Woodland Hills offices at 818-462-8588 or complete our confidential online form today.