Office romance, the subject of many movies and TV shows, is common in the United States. But is it legal? Or could you run into sexual harassment claims if you express interest in a coworker and ask them out? First and foremost, companies can create policies about...
Month: May 2020
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If you can’t breathe after a crash, you could have flail chest
In a car crash, there is a risk of developing abdominal injuries. In front-end crashes, for example, there is a risk of the spleen rupturing, damage to the liver or an impact to the bowel. You could suffer a brain injury from hitting your head or suffer a myocardial...
The main types of workplace discrimination
Workplace discrimination cases often feel unique. The person who is targeting you is doing it because of a factor that is fundamentally part of who you are. That is a personal affront, and you should be frustrated and outraged by that type of treatment. At the same...