Contrary to common belief, actionable defamation of character is not just something you might see in a movie or television program. It is a real issue that can cause devastating harm to the targeted party. For example, if someone spreads false information about your...
Personal Injury
5 reasons why slips and falls are dangerous
Slips and falls are some of the most common types of accidents that can happen in both public and private places. While they may seem minor, they can have long-lasting effects on a person's health and quality of life. Here are some ways a slip and fall can leave you...
4 steps to take if a drunk driver hits you
Being involved in a car accident can be confusing and stressful. But you need to stay calm and make the right moves. However, the steps you follow may depend on the other driver. For instance, how you handle a distracted driver may differ from a drunk one. The latter...
Did you experience false imprisonment over shoplifting claims?
Your rights and freedoms have protection under federal law and California state rules. Typically, it is illegal for other parties to infringe on your freedom, especially by restraining you in a location without your consent. False imprisonment could involve attempted...
Don’t blindly trust a green light
You’re in the first car in line at the intersection, and the light is red. You stay off your phone so that you don’t get distracted, watching that light. When it finally turns green, you press the gas and drive into the intersection, happy to be on your way. All of...