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Common examples of workplace sexism

On Behalf of | Oct 31, 2022 | Employment Law

Workplace sexism can potentially impact anyone, but it is often women who are on the receiving end. Being discriminated against in any way on the basis of your gender is both unacceptable and unlawful.

Sexism can be blatant and more subtle. Recognizing some of the more common examples could help with preventing and challenging this behavior.

Are you being held back because you’re a woman?

While there are biological differences between men and women, there are few jobs that men do that women cannot do just as well. If you’ve been denied an opportunity on the sole basis that you are a woman, then this is discrimination. For example, if your employer has opened up a position but demanded male-only candidates.

Have you been patronized?

If your male co-workers speak to you in a different tone than your male counterparts, then this is sexism. For instance, if you are patronized simply for doing your job. One example could be a male colleague saying something like, “not a bad job for a woman”. This is completely unacceptable and something you should not have to put up with.

Have you faced abuse?

Unfortunately, sexism can take on more abusive forms. Has a male colleague touched you inappropriately or made sexual remarks? Have you been told that you can’t take a joke, and must be menstruating because you are so moody? Such behavior and comments are reprehensible and almost certainly amount to discrimination or harassment.

All workers, no matter their race, religion, age or gender, should be treated with dignity and respect. If you’ve faced discrimination or harassment at work, make sure you look into your legal options.